Thursday 22 April 2010

How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found

This was my first visit to Tara Studio and it was a very pleasant one too. The staff are all very friendly and it's a cosy little venue. The performing area is also very tiny and the seats are basically just benches with cusions on, which hurt my bum after a while but the show was more than worth it.The intimacy of the action and audience helped me delve deeper into the plot and gave me a connection with characters that I beleive if done in a bigger space, would have been lost. Tara-Studios was a perfect location for this play.

Even though the plot was dark, he (Script writer Fin Kennedy) made the play extremely witty and funny throughout. The central character, Charlie's life is spiraling out of control and fast.We learn very quickly that his body has been found in a river and his pathologist's has conversations with him to try to find out the circumstances surrounding his death. I particularly love a non-linear plot, it jumbles things up keeping you attentively thinking throughout. I was desperate to go back in during the fifteen minute interval and thats how you know its a good story.

The set was simplistic, yet artistic. Of course, being a studio everything was black which with this play, complimented the dark plot. The main scenery was 4 black boxes, which directors Mark Stannett and Lesley Tulley, used brilliantly, having them become chairs, a table, a coffin, a morgue table and a set of four drawer corpse mortuary freezer which was interesting to see. The costumes too were simplisticly black and were only given the most subtle of changes to embody another character, which worked remarkably well.

The acting was outstanding, particularly the central character 'Charlie'. The actors all worked well togeteher and they seemed to bounce off eachother making their relationships all the more beleivable. The relationship between Charlie and his work colleague stands out the most to me, and I still have a giggle thinking about it now. The script is extremely funny between them at a particular point when Charlie is cluthing the urn his mothers ashes are in. When asked what it was, Charlie simply says 'It's my mum'.
Colleague: 'Why did you bring her to work!?'
Charlie: 'I didn't'
Colleague: 'What, did she follow ya?

Fin Kennedy is an extremely talented playwright and I really hope this play doesn't disappear. It is very funny with a great plot. The acting was superb. A must watch and hurry, last show is on Saturday!

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